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Crushing OCD Class for Kids & Teens
Let’s have a chat before your kids get started. (9:08)
Kids & Teens
Will this work? Well it depends on… (4:21)
Let’s do this!
1. OCD is NOT what most people think! (23:03)
2. How OCD tricks you into growing (are you falling for it?) (3:20)
3. OCD is hiding in plain sight. Can you spot it? (2:25)
4. You are not OCD, this is why. (7:20)
5. Time to gear up…are you ready? (3:39)
6. Beat OCD at its own game. I’ll show you how. (6:08)
7. Let me show you the one - two punch that keeps OCD down. (3:12)
8. How to handle what OCD is throwing at you. (16:41)
9. Why bugging OCD back is powerful! (2:58)
10. If you aren’t doing THIS you are missing the secret sauce. (18:55)
11. If you say this to yourself, it’s hurting your progress. (3:08)
12. When the going gets good, let’s keep it that way! (4:04)
13. They want you to know you are not alone. (6:37)
Often Unspoken OCD Themes
14. Yes, even that is a common OCD theme (2:51)
Before You Go…
Kids & Teens Watch Before you Go! (3:43)
Parents Watch Before You Go! (8:11)
Psst…Here are some extra Youtube videos to crush it!
Handling various themes & compulsions
Videos about dealing with friends and family
Videos to help encourage you
Teach online with
Let’s have a chat before your kids get started.
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