How to Teach Your Kids to Crush OCD

Parenting Kids with OCD: Don't just survive. Learn how to thrive.

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Do you watch your child do irrational behaviors over and over again?

Does OCD slow down your home and make the entire family dysfunctional?

Are you walking on eggshells trying not to trigger your child’s OCD?

Do you second guess how you are supposed to parent a child with OCD?

Should you allow them to do their rituals?

Should you participate in their compulsions?

What is your role in their treatment?

In this online class, all your questions will be answered.

Learn which parenting approaches help and which ones make OCD worse.

You can help.

You just need to know how.


Why do they do that?

Do you wonder...

how can your child be afraid of germs

but repetitively lick his hands?

or believe touching something three times

will prevent him from dying?

Join the club.

OCD doesn’t make sense.

In this online class, I will teach you

how to get OCD.

You will understand how it works and...

how you play a key role in defeating it.


Your child seems like they are stuck on some internal loop, doing compulsions over and over again.

Should I make them stop?

Should I just cave to their OCD?

Should I just answer their bazillion questions for reassurance?

Should I give them extra time to do their compulsions?

If I just do what their OCD wants, will their worries go away?

In this online class, you will learn exactly what your role is in your child's OCD journey...

Because it is an important one.

I will teach you what I teach parents in my therapy practice: You are an integral part of your child's success, you just need help understanding what that entails.



all these acronyms are enough to make your head spin.

OCD treatment is surprisingly simplistic.

In this online class, I will demystify all that psychobabble.

I will break down the typical course of treatment and explain what it all means in simple terms.

Treatment isn’t rocket science and talking about it doesn’t have to be either.

You will leave this online class with a full understanding of what the treatment approaches are that are the most effective and

more importantly –

What your role in helping your child is.

Start getting the help you need today.

"I just completed the Parenting OCD course and am so grateful for all the helpful information! Although my teenager is working with a good therapist, this course provided the help I need in my role as parent and coach. I have listened to many of the podcasts and really appreciate how willing Natasha is to share her “trade secrets” so that my child and I can benefit. It’s so helpful to get the perspective of someone who is both a mental health professional AND a parent in the trenches. I can’t thank you enough!“

- Chris, Parent of a child with OCD


Maybe your child refuse to go to therapy?

Maybe you have struggled to find a qualified therapist in your area?

Maybe you been on a waitlist for what seems like forever?

Maybe therapy is too expensive?

What if you could help your child directly?

Although it is ideal to get help from a professional, many parents face barriers they cannot get past.

In this online class you will be taught all the skills to help your child at home.

Why wait until your child is able to see a therapist or until your budget can be stretched.

Let me teach you how to help your child with OCD.

It isn't complicated.

In my practice my ultimate goal is to have parents work directly with their kids. That is my goal for you as well.

If you already have professional support that's great, my class will arm you with further knowledge to help your child at home.

But if you don't have support, you are not out of options. My class will walk you through the skills you need to make life changing differences in your child right away.



My family and I cannot thank you enough for all you do. Last month my son's OCD compulsions were at their height and I saw them frustrating and agitating him so much. It was so difficult seeing him like that. However, we soon found your Youtube videos and that gave us the hope we needed.

The OCD online classes course was amazing in supporting us. Now several weeks on we have got our happy go lucky, cheeky son back. I've said this before your a natural at what you do. We showed our son two of your videos, explaining OCD to kids and Don't let your OCD bully you and immediately he understood what OCD was and what he needed to do to defeat the OCD bully. He is only eight years old but you have a natural ability and skill set to simplify the subject for children.

He has done brilliantly with his challenges and within a few days of watching the original videos was ignoring his compulsions and even doing the opposite.

Sorry, I'm rambling on again.

I would also like to point out how well priced the online course is considering the amount of material provided i.e. videos, work sheets, message support etc. To be honest I feel guilty for not having to pay more, it's such a small price to help obtain peace for our son.

From one mother to another thank you! Please keep up the Youtube kid's edition videos they are a great help.

Also a quick message from my son - please consider Skype therapy sessions in the future he would loved to thank you directly for helping him out.



[Mother to 8 yr. boy]


I have recently finished the online class, “Parenting Kids with OCD.” I just want to take the time to say THANK YOU! I purchased your course hoping to learn just a little about OCD, but when I finished the course I was amazed at how much I learned about OCD! I have a clearer understanding of this terrible disorder that grips my son with fear. Just knowing that there are others out there who truly understand OCD has put my mind at ease. Educating my son that the intrusive thoughts are not his own thoughts certainly gave him a sense of relief. By using the videos and steps provided in your class, our family has a whole new perspective about not only what OCD is, but also about how to treat it. The class format was easy to follow and it was also very engaging.

You are such a caring person and my husband and I are so fortunate to have heard of your on-line class as well as your weekly podcasts. The class and the podcasts have been a life-line for us! In addition, I truly appreciate that whenever I had a question about the class lessons, all I had to do was contact you and your response was always quick and helpful. Not only have you educated us through your online class, but more importantly, you have provided us with hope that my son can overcome this insidious disorder.

Thank you so much!


[Mom to 12 year old boy]


I have just completed my online course, Parenting kids with OCD. I would like to say to all parents out there with children with OCD, please enroll in this course. It has changed my life and given me and my 9 year child hope for the future. Ocd is an overwhelming nightmare for children and their parents. This course is amazing help and support.

Thank you Natasha Daniels, I have noticed the time you put in to help people like me. I don’t know how you fit it into your day. For parents like me you are a real life angel. Thank you so very very much ❤️❤️❤️



Wow, just wow! I loved this class, each lesson was well thought out and included not only all the info that you as a parent need to help your child, but extras like worksheet, cards, links and more information.

Thank you for a professional, but lovingly put together class, Natasha. Will highly recommend this to all!


Start to feel like you've got this!

39 Short, Simple Video Lessons

This class consists of short bite-size lessons that add up to a wealth of knowledge. You will walk away from this class not only with a complete understanding of OCD, but with a step-by-step plan on how to implement effective approaches to beat OCD at home.

23 Handouts and Worksheets

This class is definitely not lacking in material! You will have tons of handouts and worksheets to help you through the lessons. From informational handouts elaborating on topics taught in a lesson to resources for additional support - I've got you covered.

You will also find worksheets that are designed for you and your child to complete together. There is a worksheet for every approach and skill I teach you. This will make the lessons come alive and will help motivate your child to team up with you to beat OCD.

Short on time?

Trust me, I get it! Who has time to take such a meaty class. Luckily, this class isn't going anywhere. You can go through it as fast or as slow as you like. All the lessons are available to you, at anytime.

You want to know the best part? You can take the class on any mobile device, just log in on any computer, tablet or phone and pick up exactly where you left off. There is even an app for the school to ensure your learning experience is the best, no matter where you view it.

**The App does not show the worksheets, but is great for listening to the videos

Worried you'll have no support in an online class?

You might be worried you'll be left to your own devices in an online class. But have no fear, I am with you every step of the way. Every lesson has a comment section where you can post questions and receive an answer.

If you get stuck, you can join my Facebook community and receive support from thousands of other parents just like you.

You will find that you will have much more direct access to your instructor than you ever would in a classroom or therapy setting.

Course Curriculum

  Are your ready to do this?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 6: What Your Role Should be in Your Child's OCD Battle
Available in days
days after you enroll

Let's do this!


"Being a Child Therapist, there are times when it is helpful to reach out to other professionals as a resource. Natasha Daniels is always my go to person when it comes to anxiety and OCD questions. Natasha's ability to assess a child for anxiety and her knowledge of possible interventions has made her a valuable resource to therapists and families."

-Sandie Miller, LCSW Child Therapist

"Natasha provides sound advice and methods that work. Our family has gained sanity in a world that, before receiving her help, was out of control. I feel as though I have someone in my corner who understands the daily struggles of being a parent to an anxious child and is there to help."

-Caren, mother of two




Save time and money

Having an anxiety and OCD expert teach you in the comfort of your own home will save you time and money.

You are not only receiving over $1050 of value with this class, but you can come back to it time and time again. You will have access to the videos and worksheets for a lifetime. Hit a bump – come back and review a lesson. Have a question about a lesson – come back and leave a question in the comment section.

With this class, you are invited to join my Facebook community. In this group, you can get support and guidance from some wonderful parents just like you!

Are you a mental health professional?

Although this class speaks directly to parents, this is a perfect class for anyone in the field who wants to learn how to help children with OCD. You will walk away with a solid understanding of how to recognize various OCD themes, how to talk to children about OCD and how to provide effective methods to help them beat OCD.

You will also have access to 23 handouts and worksheets that you can use and re-use with your patients.

Start learning how to help your child today.

please note: This class is for educational purposes only and should not replace the advice of a local mental health professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the class start and finish?
The class will be opening up soon and will remain permanently open! It is a completely self-paced online class - you decide when you start and when you finish.
I am already working with a therapist. Should I take this class?
Yes, this class is designed to work in conjunction with any ongoing treatment with a mental health professional and is a great supplement to treatment!
We aren't working with a therapist. Will this class help?
Yes, this class will give you all the information and skills you need to begin helping your child at home. Although it is encouraged that you get support from a mental health professional, it is not needed for this class.
I am a mental health professional. Will this class help me?
Yes. Even though this class speaks directly to parents, it would be a perfect introduction to any clinician wanting a better understanding of how to treat childhood OCD. However, CEU certificates are not given out at the end of the class.
My child is just a toddler. Will this class help?
Yes, knowledge is key when it comes to beating OCD. Being ahead of the game and knowing exactly how to spot and treat your child's OCD symptoms as they get older, will improve their long-term prognosis.
How long do I have access to the class?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this class for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the class?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
What if I have questions as I go through the class?
You will have the ability to leave comments and questions under each lesson. Your instructor will respond to any questions you may have as you go through the class. You will also be invited to join the instructor's private Facebook group.
Still have more questions?
Feel free to email us at [email protected]

Get started now!